The main raw material of Lignohumate manufacturing company ( we are representing is lignosulfonate, a substance produced from lignin. The latter is a natural second most common biopolymer after cellulose, a renewable resource of the forestry industry. By processing lignosulfonate in the reactor, we obtain a unique molecular level complex composed of both macro- and micronutrients in a form accessible for the plant. Some of our modifications also include phytohormones (Argolan) and higher concentration of fulvic acids (Normat), which show even better results in comparison with our base modifications.
The composition quality and innovative nutrient delivery mechanism are designed to have an overall stimulating effect on the plant. This naturally compensates for the adverse effects of abiotic stress improving both yield and quality properties of the crop, particularly under unfavourable conditions. Regular application of Lignohumate company’s products improves the quality of the soil and helps to cleanse contaminated soils, e.g. oil contamination.
Furthermore, we, Zesa Investments Limited, using Lignohumate company’s products as the basis have created an innovative product Lignova. It presents itself as a complex of micronutrients enriched with organic matter for better absorption of trace elements by the plant.